Fee Structure

Sr. No.ParticularFee
1st year2nd yearTotal
ITuition fee42000.0042000.0084000.00
IIAnnual charges
1Admission Fee1100.00-1100.00
2Re-admission Fee---
3Continuation Fee-140.00140
3Building Fund---
4Repair & Replacement of Furniture and Books275.00275.00550.00
5House Exams200.00200.00400.00
6Magazine Fund40.0040.0080.00
7Identity Card30.0030.0060.00
8Medical Fund40.0040.0070.00
9Student Aid Fund140.00140.00280.00
10Electricity and Water80.0080.00160.00
11College Budget60.00-60.00
12Society Fund30.0030.0060.00
13Sports Fee60.0060.00120.00
14Cultural Activities Fund60.0060.00120.00

IIIMonthly ChargesPer Month1st year2nd yearTotal
1Amalgamated Fund90.001080.001080.002160.00
2Library & Reading Room60.00720.00720.001440.00
3Practical for Science and Music75.00900.00900.001800.00
4Other Student Activities75.00900.00900.001800.00
Computer Fee150.001800.001800.003600.00
Grand Total (I+II+III)49510.0048490.0098000.00
IVLibrary Security Charges1000.00(One time for the course)
VUniversity ChargesAs per existing rules of H.P. University, 7% levy charges on tuition fee only shall be charged by H.P.U. at the time of counseling from the candidates.
Examination Fee @ Rs. 1400/- per semester